State Inspection

CTG EXPRESS LUBE | Fort Stockton & Pecos

Official Vehicle Inspection Station sticker for Fort Stockton location.

CTG Express Lube - State Inspection Station

Staying fit is a must. Staying safe is essential. At CTG Express Lube your vehicle inspection helps to ensure that your vehicle is fit to drive and is meant to keep you and everyone else safe on the road. In the State of Texas, vehicles must pass an official state safety and emissions inspection every year in order to legally drive on state roads and the professionals at CTG Express Lube will help you and your vehicle pass the test. An inspection involves examining and assessing something to make sure it works without fail. Vehicles need to be inspected, maintained, and repaired on a regular basis to ensure that everything is in working order. CTG Express Lube mechanics can certify that there are no major issues in your complex machine that would cause a safety or performance problem. The servicemen at CTG Express Lube inspect brakes, seat belts, wheels, steering, horn, lighting and windshield wipers to make sure it all passes official state inspection. Other tests may be necessary depending on a vehicle’s age and CTG Express Lube associates can help. Drivers will appreciate the professionals at CTG Express Lube when they discover and fix any problems the vehicle may have before they develop into even bigger problems that could lead to costly repair bills, or, even worse, an inoperable car.

Two Crew members for CTG Express lube in front of Official state inspection station sticker.
Fort Stockton

    Small problems can become big problems that can cause serious problems on the road and can lead to accidents. It is important the issues be repaired in order to ensure safe roads. When getting an inspection at CTG Express Lube, these issues can be resolved. When you take your vehicle in to get it inspected, there are a few things required from you. It is important to remember to bring these items so the technician at CTG Express Lube will legally be allowed to perform the inspection. A driver must have proof of insurance with full coverage from any state insurance. For drivers with only liability insurance, it will need to be through a Texas provider. Payment is required at the time of your vehicle inspection. The payment varies depending on the age of the vehicle, the emissions requirements for your vehicle, the county you are in, and the type of vehicle you have. If your vehicle does not pass the inspection, you have 30 days to get it pass-ready, at which point you can return with your paperwork from the initial inspection and will not be charged a second time. Also, a driver must have a current and valid driver’s license/photo ID.

    What do the experts at CTG Express Lube look for during an inspection? While the inspection is not too entirely exhaustive, the process includes: horn, windshield wipers, mirrors, steering, seat belts, brakes system (including the parking brake) and tires. Also, included in the inspection are: wheel assembly, exhaust system and emissions, beam indicator, tail and stop lamps, license plate lamp, rear red reflectors, turn signals, all headlights, motor/serial/vehicle ID number, gas caps and window tint. Sometimes repairs are not necessary when a vehicle is only driven in town, to and from errands compared to a driver who uses their vehicle to travel or has an especially exhausting commute. There are several reasons why drivers have failed their state inspection. Lack of rain, or a dry spell makes it quite easy to overlook damaged windshield wipers. When the service engine lights on your dashboard comes on it may indicate a diagnostic is needed. The diagnostic can be run at CTG Express Lube quickly and efficiently. If you are not someone who uses the parking brake very often, it can be easily overlooked, as well. A driver should have the tires, including the spare, inspected regularly, not just for the yearly state inspections, to prevent unnecessary safety risks. A tire blowing out on the highway could be very disastrous.

    As noted in the list above, there are many reasons why a vehicle might not pass a Texas state vehicle inspection, even if the inspection was passed the year before. Vehicles can begin to succumb to the wear and tear over the years, and the likelihood that a repair is needed can only increase with each passing day and mile. CTG Express Lube can help drivers maintain a level of safety and fitness with their vehicle by providing a Texas safety inspection every year.


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